Your Computer Backup is Probably Corrupted

Your Computer Backup is Probably Corrupted

You or your business took the time to make a computer backup. You may even have it done automatically.

As much as I would like to say that you’re doing great… it could still be lacking or even corrupted. In fact.. a third of data loss incidents are caused by corrupted backups. That is… a business that had a backup… then was crushed to find that it was really corrupted.

This isn’t a horror movie.. it’s your data… lost to the void.

To make things more complicated… even if you have a good backup… is it safe from ransomware? That’s one of it’s secondary protocols: to seek and destroy the backup.

Again… not a horror movie. This really happens.

Another fact: half of businesses that fall victim to ransomware usually end up paying the ransom because it was far easier to just pay it than to deal with trying to figure out how to recover the data.

Your Backup Doesn’t Need to Just Be Safe.. it Needs To Remain Valid. 

We use the latest and greatest methods… yet we still verify those backups for our clients. And even then, we find corruption.

Setting up a reliable backup doesn’t have to be complicated. Geeks like us can make sure that you’re tools are running correctly every day. It’s why we’re here.

We even establish a continuity plan… that is, even if your backup is corrupt (despite all our verification attempts)… we can go back in time to a slightly older (recent) backup that is good. Kind of like a time machine.

We’re not super heros at keeping small businesses in shape with their technology… we simply go the extra when it comes to making sure virtually everything is up to speed. Need a hand? Shoot me a message.