Google’s Not-So-Private Incognito Mode…

Google’s Not-So-Private Incognito Mode…

Billions of people around the world use Google Chrome as their default web browser. But when looking for a bit of extra privacy, they switch to Google’s Incognito Mode.

When users browse the web in this private mode, there’s no activity saved to the browsing device – which…. is why it is called Incognito Mode.

A class-action lawsuit was filed in 2020 regarding this mode, but no one really knew the particulars… until now when a recent settlement was reached.

It turns out that gasp Google has indeed been collecting information on what users have done in this “private” viewing mode.

Google claims that that they were only collecting information of users as a whole and not linking the data to any particular user. Did you catch that? They were “collecting.”

In any case, the lawsuit settlement requires Google to delete “billions of data records” collected in Incognito Mode. Billions. Plural.

Google, in their “transparency,” has recently updated the disclosure provided when a user enters this private mode. They’re basically shifting the blame to how third-party websites and your internet provider can collect data. Which is true. But third-party websites were not the point of the lawsuit.

As for the class-action lawsuit itself, the plaintiffs were seeking $5 billion dollars. According to the court records, they got nothing.

If you or your business want to secure your data or maintain privacy on the Internet, let us know.